Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

How Do You Protect My Privacy?

Your Privacy Is Our Priority: We employ state-of-the-art encryption and security measures to protect your photos and personal data. Your information is never shared with third parties, and images are processed with the utmost confidentiality.

What Technology Powers Your AI?

Advanced AI, Realistic Predictions: Our platform utilizes the latest in AI technology, combining deep learning algorithms and genetic science to accurately predict and render images of your future child. This ensures a blend of both parents' features in a realistic and scientifically plausible manner.

Can I Share the Image with Family and Friends?

Sharing Is Caring: Absolutely! We encourage you to share the joy and excitement of meeting your future child with family and friends.

Will the Predicted Image Be Exactly Like My Future Child?

While our AI provides a close prediction based on genetic probabilities and the parents' features, it's important to remember that many factors influence a child's appearance. Consider our predictions a fun and fascinating glimpse into the possibilities!

Do I Need to Upload High-Quality Photos?

Photo Quality Matters: For the best results, we recommend uploading high-quality, front-facing photos of both parents. This allows our AI to accurately analyze and blend features for a more precise prediction.

Is the Process Quick?

Fast and Easy: Our AI begins working on your prediction as soon as you upload your photos. The entire process from upload to viewing your future child's image typically takes just a few moments.